Zhaosong Chu

Since I've grown up in Asian culture, I deeply admire the work of Asian scientists, particularly psychologists and psychiatrists who navigate the cultural stigmas surrounding neuropsychology and mental health discussions. Dr. Zhaosong Chu, a psychiatrist at Kunming Medical School in China, caught my attention with his recent research exploring the impact of childhood trauma on subcortical neural mechanisms and personality traits. I am inspired by Dr. Chu's work on transcending cultural biases that often portray individuals grappling with neuropsychiatric and mental disorders as weak or fragile, instead choosing to explore the intricate neurobiological underpinnings of such conditions. Moreover, I am particularly drawn to Dr. Chu's focus on subcortical structures in his research endeavors, as it aligns closely with my own independent projects that center on exploring the morphology of these structures and their implications for neuropsychiatric disorders.